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Task: Feb. 13 channel 13 9pm
Questiions to answer:
1. Who iis doctor Henry Gates?
2. Choose an iinterviiewee and discuss the followiing:
The hiistoriical events of hiis or her famiily
The hiistoriical siigniifiicance of hiis or her famiily
Who iis doctor Henry Gates?
Dr. Henry Gates is...... a scholar, a college teacher, a critic, a writer, and a chairperson. He was the first black to have received a Ph.D. from Cambridge. Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., also known as "Skip," is one of the most powerful academic voices in America. In 1997 Gates was voted one of Time Magazine's "25 Most Influential Americans. Dr. Gates is an endless researcher, who has won many awards for his overpowering works of literature.
Iinterviiewee chosen: Tina Turner
Task: Feb. 13 channel 13 9pm
Questiions to answer:
1. Who iis doctor Henry Gates?
2. Choose an iinterviiewee and discuss the followiing:
The hiistoriical events of hiis or her famiily
The hiistoriical siigniifiicance of hiis or her famiily
Who iis doctor Henry Gates?
Dr. Henry Gates is...... a scholar, a college teacher, a critic, a writer, and a chairperson. He was the first black to have received a Ph.D. from Cambridge. Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., also known as "Skip," is one of the most powerful academic voices in America. In 1997 Gates was voted one of Time Magazine's "25 Most Influential Americans. Dr. Gates is an endless researcher, who has won many awards for his overpowering works of literature.
Iinterviiewee chosen: Tina Turner
Historical Events
- Between 1790 and 1860, Tina Turner's great, great, great grandmother,Lucy Kimbro who was born in North Carolina was forced to move to Tennessee due to slaves being forced to move from the upper South into the deep South to create the cotton kingdom.
- Between 1870 and 1888, Logan Currie, Tina Turner's great, great grandfather, marries over 50 African American couples.
Historical Significance
- In 1866 Tina Turner's great, great grandfather Logan Currie signs a labor contract in Madison County, Tennessee, with Jesse Currie, the man that owned him during slavery.In exchange for land and the resources to cultivate it, Logan promises to grow grain and cotton. Such arrangements came to be known as sharecropping.
- In 1889 Benjamin B. Flag, the older brother of Tina Turner's maternal great grandfather, George Flag, sells one acre of his land for a school, Flag Grove School House, in Haywood County, Tennessee.
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